~ Become officially certified in Hot Stone Therapy
~ Learn to massage someone to sleep while detoxifying the body
~ Learn and practice the massage techniques with 58 basalt lava stones (free kit included)
Hot Stone Therapy Certification Course
Learn to massage someone to sleep while detoxifying the body in this hands-on certification class. Learn and practice the massage techniques with 58 basalt lava stones to improve circulation and bring deep relaxation. Learn the stone preparation, treatment process, and clean up process.
Kit Includes
58 Basalt Lava stones, tub to carry stones, 1 large / 1 small strainer, 2 foot ties, bag of eye pads, bottle of holly oil, bottle of tea tree oil, bottle of cleaner, jar of sea salt, jar of baking soda, sponge, foam liner for oven and rubber gloves. Additional requirements not included: 18 quart electric roasting oven, massage table, comforter, king flat sheet, large towel, 2 pillow cases, 4 hand towels, full pillow, ½ pillow, face crest with cover, small bowl, eye sack.
$675.00 and 10 hours